What’s New for You? Credly Badges!

We partnered with Credly to provide badges to all participants!

Credly is the digital form of the old school paper printed “Certificate of Achievement.” Credly is helping to lead the way with digital credentials that communicate what you have learned and achieved and the capabilities you have gained.

Your badge gives you an avenue for sharing your skills online. It’s simple, trusted, and can be easily verified in real-time. You can share your badge directly to LinkedInTwitter, and Facebook; over email; embedded in a website; or in your email signature. A viewer can then click on your badge and view all the details of your achievement.

Badges provide employers and peers concrete evidence of how you earned your badge. Credly’s platform also offers labor market insights, based on your skills. You can search and apply for job opportunities, too

Better yet, we offer these badges retroactively. If you attended one of our programs in the past, let us know if you’d like a badge for that program and we’ll be happy to issue one to you. We’ll outline the steps for claiming your badge in our next newsletter. Let us know if you have any questions, and congratulations to our new badge-holders!

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