This humorous, hard-hitting substance-packed session is guaranteed to profoundly impact productivity in both your professional and personal lives. The strategies covered are drawn from Steve’s personal transformation that was inspired by his realization of what happened in his hometown of Gettysburg.
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“The most powerful performance
training available.”

“Steve Wiley is the best speaker
you’ve never heard of.”

Steven B. Wiley and his world-renowned faculty bring more than history to your worksite for this half-day or full-day presentation with historic case studies and leadership lessons from history. Together, we examine the strongest leadership lessons from history and applying those strategies to new, modern situations.
In the truest sense of the words, “learning from history” takes on added meaning as you align historical examples with your own modern-day challenges from the work environment. It is a memorable experience that is both relevant and inspiring. Participants have the opportunity to experience several case studies and work toward critical objectives.
The ability to negotiate effectively is key to professional and personal success. Strong negotiators get what they want more quickly, more easily, and most importantly — more often. Every person is a negotiator. Whether making a sales presentation, closing a contract, leading a sales region, handling compensation, buying a car, establishing performance criteria, and more, a person is negotiating to some degree. Participants in this customized full or half-day session will gain:
- New negotiation skills, strategies and tactics used by today’s most effective negotiators—including problem analysis, communicative and persuasive abilities, decision making and relationship orientation.
- The knowledge of how to overcome a natural reluctance to bargain.
- The ability to deal with opponents who intimidate or harass you.
- The ability to get more—while expending fewer corporate resources.

The Lincoln Leadership Institute has partnered with an Emmy award-winning television production team to offer a live broadcast option for our signature leadership development program. We continue to help organizations develop their people, strengthen their engagement, and increase their productivity.
This program is not a pre-taped webinar, but a live training experience where our renowned faculty – consisting of award-winning historians, retired generals and admirals, former Navy SEAL commanders, emergency managers, experienced executives, entrepreneurs, and other thought leaders – interact with participants and engage in the same types of discussions we have in person.
In our on-site programs we follow a four-step method of introducing a fundamental yet powerful leadership concept, bringing it alive through motion picture, and then with a trip to the battlefields, returning to the seminar room to reflect upon what participants have seen and what it means, and finally, breaking into small groups to think about the application of the metaphor to participants’ daily work and lives.
The live broadcast option follows these same steps as our in-person sessions, with the adaptation that our world-class guides and scholars talk through the battle action using a combination of images and maps from the time, modern photos, and videos of the actual battlegrounds. Apart from that change, participants will have the same introductory material, application, and reflection pieces they would get at one of our in-person Journey events. Our legendary debriefs are conducted in small groups using breakout rooms via learning management software, preserving the combination of whole and small group discussion our participants have found so valuable.
For more information, call (717) 891-9002 or email Or register today.